So, I am a first time mom and for me everything you have to read up on and learn is a little overwhelming before baby get’s here. What type of breast pump if you’re breastfeeding, swaddle blankets (what type to get), car seats, strollers and the list goes on and on and on. But what I have learned over the last 9 months is to ask your mom, your doctor and your friends all of the questions in the world until you get everything answered (that is my tip for the day).
As for your hospital bag and babies hospital bag, I have read that it is good to start preparing your bag at 35 weeks because you never know when your little one will arrive. Being a first time mom I had absolutely no idea what to pack…..so I went to some of my expert friends to guide me and lead me in the right direction. So below are the items that I packed that will hopefully ease your mind because you now have a list to go by!
My hospital bag:
Toiletries– I bought my toothpaste, mini toothbrush, mouth wash, body wash, shampoo, conditioner and deodorant from Target in the travel isle near their cosmetics. If you are breastfeeding make sure to pack a good amount of nursing pads (the hospital gives you some but I heard that they aren’t very comfortable and kind of bulky) and nipple cream. I also packed her boppy for breastfeeding so she can get used to laying on it from the start! Also make sure to pack a good amount of maxi pads for after labor (another item I was told by my friends to pack).
Lounge Wear- As a personal stylist I had to have matching lounge wear when we start getting visitors at the hospital so my mom found me a comfy and fashionable pajama from Kohls by Vera Wang. It’s light weight, stretchy and super comfy. I actually packed to pj’s just in case. I also packed a robe, comfortable stretchy underwear, 2 pairs of fuzzy socks and my slippers.
Distractions- I know that sometimes labor is longer than anyone would expect so you have to be prepared. I am not sure how much I will really dig into these items (depending on how I feel) but I packed these items anyway just in case. My iPad and charger (also good for listening to iTunes or Pandora), gossip magazines (guilty I know), and current baby books I am reading at the moment: The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep, by Harvey Karp, M.D. and Your Baby’s First Year Week by Week, by Glade B. Curtis M.D. and Judith Schuler, M.S.
Snacks- This is important for the loved ones that will be with you in the delivery room because you can only eat so much out of a vending machine. So I packed almonds, fruit snacks, chex mix, chocolate chip cookies (for my husband because he is obsessed) and granola bars.
Capturing Moments- I made sure the first items that went into my bag were my camera, 2 camera cards (because everyone knows how many pictures I like to take), camera battery and charger.
Make-Up- One tip that I have read on various mom blogs is to make sure to bring your make-up bag because a lot of moms wish they had a little color in their face when they started taking their first family photos…..so I say this tip with a grain of salt because I think the last thing I am going to think about is putting blush on my cheeks before a family picture with the hospital photographer 🙂
Going Home Outfit- Last but not least remember to pack your going home outfit and make sure that it is loose and comfortable just incase you may have a c-section. So I packed 2 maxi dresses to choose from with ballet flats. Some of my favorite maxi dresses right now are at Anthropologie and Target perfect for fall into winter with a blazer or denim jacket!
Baby’s Hospital Bag (Diaper Bag):
Lounge Wear- I packed 2 short sleeve onsies and 1 long sleeve onsie (all with matching bows and hats) in case she is cold. I also packed 2 swaddle blankets that are very soft because I have noticed that the swaddle blankets they put the babies in at the hospital is not as soft as you would think (and not as pretty <3).
Toiletries- I made sure to pack, diapers, baby wipes, baby powder, Desitin, baby lotion and hand sanitizer (for the adults). I am sure the hospital provides these items but I packed them just in case.
Going Home Outfit- This part was very important to me, I went shopping for a couple of weeks until I found the perfect little outfit for her. We are not sure how big she will be so I packed one newborn outfit and one 3 month outfit both with matching socks and hats/bows.
Last Helpful Tips- Last but not least make sure to have your carseat ready and strapped in your car. I have read mom blogs that said that they packed everything but the carseat in the car, so their husband had to drive back home to get it. So make sure at week 35 to put the carseat in your car so you can be ready at any moment.

But in the end this will be the most amazing and memorable time of your life, so remember to enjoy every moment because you are about to meet your amazing bundle of joy!
Hope this post helped you on your packing adventure!
Style on ladies and gents!