[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_dpdhQmewk&w=420&h=315]
Red roses, cinnamon hearts and giant chocolate hearts covered with red tin foil. Just a couple of visions that come to mind when I think of Valentines day! My husband and I usually lay low on this day….last year we got Jack in the Box and watched Walking Dead (best Vday ever).
A friend of mine requested this blog/video topic and I thought is was a good idea!

My first look is a work inspired outfit. The dress is from Forever 21 and it is the most comfortable dress I own! I love the pleats at the bottom of the dress, it gives it a very girly look! I bought my Gianni Bini, chunky black heels from Dillard’s (quite sometime ago) but I know that Jessica Simpson has shoes that look very similar to mine.

My gun-metal/black necklace is from Guess By Marciano (it’s an oldie but goodie). I have also seen a similar twisted cluster necklace at Forever 21 and Target.

I love this casual but girly look for Valentines day! This outfit is perfect if you are going on a dinner and a movie kind of date or even a surprise date to a fancy restaurant! We can start with my basic boyfriend tee in the color “Rose” from Nordstrom Rack (this tee comes in various colors and is a great layering piece). My “Chanel” inspired jacket is pretty old school but you can find one just like it at Macy’s in tan or black and white! My bottoms are skinny jeggings from Guess By Marciano (but you can truly find jeggings anywhere).

My funky, fun hot pink and gun-metal necklace is from H&M!!!! They also have this necklace in a highlighter green color!!!

My black clutch with a silver grip is from Charlotte Russe and my vintage inspired bracelets were bought from Alice Cooper. Ok, let me give you a little back story on this. During my freshman year of college I really started getting into vintage pieces, necklaces and bracelets….even vintage coats and bags. Lets just say I went a little over bored and bid on one of Alice Coopers pieces at The Brass Armadillo in Phoenix (he had a booth there with a lot of vintage jewels). I was lucky enough to have the highest bid and got the bracelet of my vintage dreams!!!! Well at least I still get a lot of use out of it! 🙂

My hot pink silky top is from my favorite store…….drum roll please…. Forever 21! This top also comes in black and white.

My diamond brushed gold necklace is also from Forever 21 and I love how this statement piece completes my look for Valentines Day! This necklace is no longer available in stores but you can still buy it online!
Hope you enjoyed the video today ladies!
Style On!