When it comes to birthday dinners, engagement parties, weddings, baby showers, graduation parties, reunions and even going to the grocery store. I always have it all mapped out, on exactly what I am going to wear. I know that may sound weird to many of you but as soon as I get an e-vite, my very first thought is, “what I am going to buy that person” and then I think of what I am going to wear. To this day, I still wish I was Cher on Clueless and had all of my outfits on my computer to scroll through so I don’t have to destroy my closet looking for the perfect look!

Then some of you are the complete opposite and wait until the very last-minute possible to go shopping (which is not a bad thing; you just have to know where to look). So I thought I would spill the beans and tell you about the best places to shop last-minute!

One of my favorite places to shop is Dillard’s; it truly is a one stop shop for everything! Your outfit, shoes, jewelry and makeup…all under one roof. One of my favorite collections is from Antonio Melani, in the women’s department (not juniors). Their looks are sexy and sophisticated and hug your body in all of the right places!
The dress above is one of my favorite Antonio Melani dresses, I wear this dress to work and can also pair it with a coral blazer to give it a different look! The dress below is also from the same collection and it is truly one of my favorites! The material feels like a swimsuit (very stretchy and smooth), I love the vibrant color and I also paired it with a gold belt to break up my body (to make me look taller because I have a small torso). This picture was taken on Good Morning Arizona, when I was interviewed for the MIM Rocks Fashion Show in March 2013!

Another favorite is Target! When I am on the go and just need to pick up my essentials; I always stop in the clothing section just to see if anything stands out (and something always does).

For instance, this picture is a behind the scenes,” look from a photo-shoot this past weekend. When I booked the photo-shoot, I was wondering what I was going to wear and this denim romper from Target came to mind because it was light weight and comfortable to wear. I felt like I didn’t have to accessorize too much with this look because the ruffle at the top gave it a little twist! I believe that this romper is still at Target, so buy it before they all sell out! 🙂

Another quick “get in get out,” place to shop is Francesca’s. This is another location where you can buy your entire look without having to go into a different store for accessories or headbands. Their sale racks are my favorite place to shop because the sales are a steal and I sometimes buy a lot more because I know I’m saving so much money (that’s what I try to tell myself)!
I always find very random things there and while I am buying my outfit; I usually find great presents for friends and family. The picture above is one of my favorite dresses because it is so comfortable and never wrinkles in my suitcase when I travel!
Hope this blog helped you “last-minute” shoppers out there!
Style On Ladies