Today marks the 3 year anniversary with my blog! Time truly flies by when you are having fun! For 3 years I have brought readers my view on Fashion. Inspiration. and Lifestyle. Meaning….I find my favorite fashion items that inspire me to tweak it to my liking (and price) and turn it into a lifestyle <3 Those are the 3 words I live by in fashion.

More exciting news is that I hit over “1000” likes on my Personal Stylist page today (what an amazing weekend!) I truly appreciate all the love and support from my family and fashion friends for keeping up with me on social media! If there is anything you would like me to blog about or look for while shopping leave me a message on my blogs or shoot me an email [email protected].
Friday evening I did some shopping at one of my favorite stores…..Forever 21! I found some very flowy, comfy dresses that are great for dinner or daytime and also work well as a swimsuit cover-up. Both dresses have the high/low-cut (where it is short in the front and long in the back). Both dresses are also under $20 and can be dressed up with accessories (shown below)!

This dress is from Forever 21 and my necklace is from Target (received this beauty on my birthday from Rose and Erin…Love you ladies).

This is another dress from Forever 21 and the necklace too! I bought the black clipped belt from American Apparal for $12. All of these looks are super casual and comfortable for this hot summer!

Another dress from Forever 21 and the necklace is from Clothes Minded
Hope all of you enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!
Style on! 🙂