Shopping for my mom on Mother’s Day is always hard for me because my mom has everything! There is only so many mani’s and pedi’s I can get her or jewelry. So this year I am trying to think outside the box and I wanted to share my ideas with all of you!

For starters this Mother’s Day I am running a fun special! It is a 1 Hour Closet Consult for $100. This fashion journey starts at your home in your closet! During your 1 to 2 hour consultation; I will get to know you and your styling needs in order for me to assess your likes and dislikes and come up with a plan that is customized just for you. I will also mix and match the clothing that you already have in your closet to make new outfits for your every day wear…whether it is for work or play!

Another cool idea is premade dinners from My Dinner Kitchen. They provide pre-assembled meals to make your life easy; they design the dinner and prepare the ingredients for ready-to-cook meals from scratch. There pre-assembled meals are then frozen and sent home with easy to follow cooking instructions. They offer 6 different menus of ready-to-cook meals for your dining pleasure! Best of all, their delicious, pre-assembled meals are very cost-effective!

These days there’s a type of yoga for every need—fitness, pain relief, relaxation, etc. So if your mom could use a lift, get her a trial at a local studio. Pair the gesture with some cute accessories like a mat, yoga video or water bottle!

What mom doesn’t love a picture of their kids? Last year for Mother’s Day, my husband and I didn’t know what to get my mother in law. So we decided to all go to downtown Chandler set up a tripod and take a picture! The picture above was one of many that we gave her in a frame colleage that we bought at Target. We also got her a small 4×6 frame to put on her desk at work. When she opened the present she was in tears! 🙂
I hope this helps when you are shopping for your mom this Mother’s day! Good Luck!
Style on Peeps!