Hello all of my fashion friends. If you follow my site on a regular basis you would know that this is my first “fashion look post,” since October 20th. It has been a busy past couple of months with new styling clients, my brother-in-laws 30th birthday in Oregon, Thanksgiving, my god-daughter’s 2nd annual Holiday band concert (she plays the flute) and hosting our first Christmas Eve dinner at our house with our family.

What an amazing year it has been and I thank you all for being there for the ride with me and following/supporting me and my blog. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions but I thought I would just make a promise to myself to blog at least once a week. It is a wonderful outlet and I love spreading the word on fashion tips and tricks that are easy to do in your home that I have learned on my own, from pintrest or from my clients.

If you live in Arizona you know how cold it has been the past couple of weeks, so this was the perfect outfit to wear yesterday in the cold! It was super comfy (I changed my booties to some black ballet flats). BCBG is running a sale in stores right now where almost everything in the store is 30% off original price and the sale rack is an additional discount as well. I believe the sale is only through today: January 4th, so call before you go!

Details on my look: Earrings|Bebe Jacket|BCBG High Low Top|BCBG Leather Pants|BCBG Booties|Marciano
Style on ladies and gents!