Depending on what type of Christmas Party you have been invited to; the last thing you want to put on your shopping list is a party dress. At the same time you don’t want to look and feel bland and boring. So I want to help you find items in your closet that can be transitioned into a great party look!
1. Simple Black Dress. Every woman has a black dress in her closet (and if you don’t have one, you need to get one). I would pair this dress with bold accessories and even try something new with your makeup and wear a dark lip (reds and plums are perfect for the season)

2. Dress Up Dress Slacks. It’s easy to dress up items in your closet that you already have like dress slacks. I would pair it with a fun and vibrant top that is a statement piece within itself so you don’t have to worry about accessorizing. I would also pair with a sexy stilleto and a fun and flirty hairstyle like the picture shown below.

3. Skinny Jeans. For those of you that were invited to holiday parties that are a little more low key, I would recommend pulling out your skinnies! Dark denim skinny jeans can truly be dressy, you just have to know what to pair them with. I always recommend dark skinny jeans because they picture well and go with just about any color (especially black).

4. Grab A Blazer. When in doubt grab a blazer! Blazers are my, “GO TO” when I want to dress an outfit up. I would pair a blazer with just about anything: dresses, jeans, shorts, over-alls anything that can truly be layered.

Below are some pictures from my holiday parties I went to last year! <3

3TV Christmas Party 2012 <3

Go Daddy Christmas Party 2012 <3
Hope these tips help you on your holiday party excursion!
Style On Ladies and Gents!